At the Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017, City of Wood Heights Board of Aldermen meeting, Sheryl Morgan, City Clerk of Blue Springs, Mo., left, was present to commend all the different jobs that Wood Heights City Clerk Sondra Kasserman has done and continues to do for the City of Wood Heights. Sheryl noted that Sondra has over 200 hours of city clerk education and had earned her Missouri Registered City Clerk certification in 2014.
Sheryl explained that Sondra has continued her education and congratulated her on earning her Certified Municipal Clerk certification from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. IIMC grants the CMC designation only to those Municipal Clerks who complete demanding education requirements and who have a record of significant contributions to their local government, their community and state.
Mayor Robert Pettegrew came forward and he and Sheryl congratulated and presented Sondra with her CMC pin and CMC plaque from the IIMC for achieving this certification.