Who We Are

Excelsior Springs BWM is inviting and encouraging area women to join, or rejoin, its local business women’s club. The local chapter was chartered in 1939 as a Business and Professional Women’s club. In 2010, the Missouri BPW was re-chartered under the name Business Women of Missouri (BWM).

BWM is an organization that has been advocating on behalf of workingwomen since 1919. The mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information.

Business Women of Missouri is a state organization of “women helping women”. The organization is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that supports training, education and legislative issues for citizens of Missouri. The state federation is divided into four regions: Northwest, Southwest, Northeast and Southeast.


Courtney Cole – President
Sandra Clay – Vice-President
Sheila Miller – Secretary; Past State President
Sonya Morgan – Treasurer
Sondra Kasserman – Historian

Janet Burrell
Jessica Cornish
Sheila Kennedy
Jane Miller
Shannon Morgan
Kim Siegel

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