Miller installed as BWM State President

president_SheilaMillerSheila Miller of Excelsior Springs was installed as president of Business Women of Missouri at the April 21-23, 2017 Annual State Conference, Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, Joplin, Missouri.

Miller, a member of Excelsior Springs BWM Club since 1999, has been an active, engaged member and has held various positions at the local, regional and state level. She has also served on the BWM Foundation Board.

“Piecing Lives Together” is the logo Miller chose to represent women mentoring other women and being involved in their communities. She shared her goals, which include: raising awareness of domestic violence, human trafficking and child abuse. She wants to continue the organization’s dedication to passing the Equal Rights Amendment and commitment to women in the military. Miller wants to promote the BWM Foundation to empower women through education.

“I have deep respect for BWM,” Miller said. “And take tremendous pride in being a member and serving the BWM mission.”

Miller has been employed at DIT-MCO International for 40 years, where she is a production supervisor. She has been married to Greg for 45 years, and they have three children, 11 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

Business Women of Missouri was established in 1921 and celebrated its 96th annual state conference. BWM state conferences feature dynamic speakers, recognition of members, awards, installation of officers and meetings to conduct BWM business. BWM’s mission is to empower women personally, professionally and politically. For more information about Business Women of Missouri visit the BWM Business Women of Missouri Facebook page, or their website at


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